
Create vc_update_repo using MS IIS

Long time no post.
Anyway, I’ve been wanting to update my homelab to 6.5U1 and wanted to use a REPO for a quick way to do it since the lab consists of 4 components (2xVC; 2xPSCs).

I dont to trouble myself in using LINUX so i just went ahead in using MS IIS.
Doing this is straight forward
– Enable IIS
– Create Virtual DIrectory
– Dump the UPDATE ZIP into the Virtual Directory via the local path
– Setup permission/ authentication

The only thing remaining is to make sure you allow the correct MIME types so IIS would know how to handle an unknown filetype.
This are the MIME types i defined:
Extension: .sign MIME Type: text/html
Extension: .xml MIME Type: text/html

If you want to use it as Update Manager REPO, add the following as well
Extension: .vib MIME Type: application/octet-stream
Extension: .ssig MIME Type: application/octet-stream

Now login to VAMI, change the REPO URL, and update… that’s it!

Hope that helps!

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