
DevOps/ Container Jargons to a VMware Admin

For the past 3 weeks I’ve been doing testing in the DevOps/ Open Source space just to break the monotony of working with anything V*.
Specifically, I’ve been doing alot of: CoreOS, RancherOS, K8S, Docker/ Container in my spare time and I wanted to correlate the jargons in the area with that of VMware to help newcomers (like me) easily grasp the concepts.

So here’s a quick list of what I’ve learned so far:

DevOps SpaceVMware WorldExplanation
ContainerVirtual MachineAtomic unit of each space. Virtual Machine is to Virtualization as to Containers is in DevOps space. Argument can be had once you start adding orchestration in to the mix -- but ultimately, it all boils down to Containers.
Docker / Rkt (Rocket)ESXi HostLike ESXi Hosts, they run Docker/ Rky runs the basic unit of this space which
RacherOS/ CoreOSBaremetal MachineThis are purposely built OS to run Container OS. Focused on next gen or "built-for-the-cloud" applications. They are light-weight to ensure small foot print.
ImageVMware TemplateImage is needed to create Containers.
Kubernetes/ SwarmvSphere vCenter + vRealize Orchestrator + vSphere NSX
Kubernetes NamespacevSphere vCenter Cluster
Kubernetes PodVirtual Machine with all lots of features
Kubernetes Ingress ControllerNSX Edge Service Gateway
Rancher/ TectonicOpenStack/ vRA / or any Management platform that may sit on top of vCenter

* I’ll be updating the table from time to time as I learn new things.

Hit me up if you don’t agree to any of the items 🙂


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