Quick demonstration of how to utilize tkg-cli and Gitlab CICD to provision kubernetes cluster. This allows anyone to provision/scale/delete kubernetes cluster by just committing a cluster definition to git – a common usecase when employing GitOps. Overview of how it’s done: Python script gets executed as part of the GitlabCICD which does a git diff to determine the appropriate action to perform Any files
Here’s a quick a powerCLI script to set local datastore as persistent log location on ESXi. This is part of the hardening requirement for vSphere which any security concerned customers are looking at implementing. Enjoy!
Recently had a request to provide statistics/ script-out the data that is exposed by vSphere Replication report tab. Based from a post from Virtu-al, you can get the transferred bytes from one of the Arguments value in the Completed Event. Here’s a quick one liner to expose all the events. Get-VIEvent -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) | Where { $_.EventTypeId -match “hbr|rpo” } | Select CreatedTi
I’ve been using Linuxmint environment for about a month now (hey!) and here’s quick guide on how to install PIP for python3. The default interpreter for Ubuntu based distro is python 2.x. so if you want to install packages on the python3 interpreter you need to uses pip3. Here’s a quick guide on how to install it: 1. Install python3 setup tools sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools 2. Install pip