This post documents the experience in using ansible module for nsx-t Prerequisites The following steps were undertaken in a control VM where the ansible playbook will be executed. Install ovftool I’m using ubuntu 18.04 and have downloaded ovftool.bundle from VMware. After uploading the file, issue sh VMware-ovftool-4.3.0-7948156-lin.x86_64.bundle pip3 install --upgrade
Upgrading NSX intelligence is not the most straight-forward process. Here’s experience I’ve had and how to overcome them: How to use IIS to host the .NUB upgrade bundle As part of the upgrade, you need to “host” the *.nub or upgrade bundle to a local webserver so the appliance can pick it off. I only had IIS running in my environment so I had to use it. Now, for IIS to work – you need to