Long time no post – just a quick one on how to use VSCODE with editing YAML Problem If you’re reading this, you already know what SOPS is and is frustrated in editing YAML via traditional VIM or command line editor. This is extremely frustrating if you’ll be adding alot of YAML values. Solution In your command line, expose the following environment variables And proceed with your SOPS cli. Enjoy and
Ok. so it’s been awhile since my last post and I just notice I have alot of stuff in my draft. Anyway, here’s a quick post on how to solve Supervisor Namespace not showing up in kubectl CLI when trying to login to TKGS. The issue: if you use kubectl vsphere login in a machine that already has kubeconfig configured, changing context won’t work I’ve been doing alot of kubernetes and have collect
I needed to change the configuration of AVI / NSX ALB that is powering my TKG 1.4 cluster. The change is a downgrade since i’m seeing weird stuff on the new version of AVI i was using. In hindsight, i could have easily just recreated everything in my TKG cluster as it’s all scripted/ templated already but doing this steps would help you understand the integration works. so lets get started: In the Managem
Background: After detaching a Tanzu Workload cluster in TMC (Tanzu Mission Control), vmware-system-tmc namespace is still left in the workload cluster Quick Commands to complete the cleanup:
Quick Post: Cause: This is because of a stuck resource in kubernetes. Solution: One way to get around this is to remove the finalizer spec to allow kubernetes in to clean-up the namespace. Steps: Dump the namespace spec in json format Edit the namespace.json and remove the finalizer portion in the spec. it should look like below From: to: Manually patch the namespace using the following command … and that’
NOTE: This post is based on Tanzu Kubernetes Grid. If you are using other kubernetes release, installing/using AVI Kubernetes Operator manually should work. With the release of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid ( tkg 1.3), Avi Kubernetes Operator can be pre-configured as part of kubernetes cluster creation. This helps streamline setting up Type:LoadBalancer especially for on-prem kubernetes install. This is HUGE as it removes th
For this post, I’ll document how to setup Harbor registry using Traefik as an ingress controller with a valid certificate from LetsEncrypt . Documentation around the topic is scattered in different places and people just assumes you’ll figure out the trivial details. So without further ado… let’s start with a quick pre-requisites. Pre-requisite As an image registry, Harbor needs to have a vali