During the weekend, I wanted to try creating a CI/CD pipeline for web-applications I’ve been developing ( details on a separate post). Given the only experience I have with such technologies (CI/CD Pipeline) is seeing them from marketing slide – this is an opportunity for me to learn and document my experience. Hello Jenkins When you think CI/CD- you’ll always going to come across Jenkins. Now, whil
This post documents the experience in using ansible module for nsx-t https://github.com/vmware/ansible-for-nsxt Prerequisites The following steps were undertaken in a control VM where the ansible playbook will be executed. Install ovftool I’m using ubuntu 18.04 and have downloaded ovftool.bundle from VMware. After uploading the file, issue sh VMware-ovftool-4.3.0-7948156-lin.x86_64.bundle pip3 install --upgrade
The following posts describes some gotchas/ experiences I have while installing AWX to a kubernetes Cluster. The official AWX documentation (in my opinion) is not friendly to newcomers and assumes you have domain knowledge on the target platform you plan to install it on – and even then some items are not clearly defined. See for yourself here: https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/INSTALL.md Things to cons
A month ago, I took and passed Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) and, a week later, Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA). This post is not meant to provide review guidelines but my take on the exam as someone: Who has been taking only VMware Certifications in the last 10 years (my last non-vmware cert is NCDA back in 2010?) Primary experience being a System Administrator Knowledge in Cloud-Native
The following post describes how to update vRealize Automation from 8.0.x to 8.1 manually. Most of the guides that tackles the topic assumes you are directly connected to the internet to pull the upgrade binaries. Unfortunately, this is not the case on some environments where the solution is deployed in an airgapped setup. With that said, here’s the high-level steps on how to go about bring up the solution to 8
TKG Series [TKG Series – Part 1] VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid introduction and installation [TKG Series – Part 2] Install Kubernetes Cluster(s) using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid [TKG Series – Part 3] Creating custom plan in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid For this post, I’ll be showing how to create custom plan that can be used when provisioning kubernetes clusters using tkg. Plan is used to define specifics of the provisio
TKG Series [TKG Series – Part 1] VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid introduction and installation [TKG Series – Part 2] Install Kubernetes Cluster(s) using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid [TKG Series – Part 3] Creating custom plan in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid For my next post, we will now be installing kubernetes clusters using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG). With properly configured tkg, the command is straightforward:. Execu
TKG Series [TKG Series – Part 1] VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid introduction and installation [TKG Series – Part 2] Install Kubernetes Cluster(s) using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid [TKG Series – Part 3] Creating custom plan in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid This is going to be a long post as I will try to keep it as detailed as possible. Quick Introduction VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG for short) is the rebranded PKS
Upgrading NSX intelligence is not the most straight-forward process. Here’s experience I’ve had and how to overcome them: How to use IIS to host the .NUB upgrade bundle As part of the upgrade, you need to “host” the *.nub or upgrade bundle to a local webserver so the appliance can pick it off. I only had IIS running in my environment so I had to use it. Now, for IIS to work – you need to
This post is a long overdue tutorial on how to setup govc. What is govc? It’s a cli utilizing govmomi, a go library used to interact with vSphere API. Why use govc? It’s fast and way better to use for automation tasks. Installation: Download release binary here: https://github.com/vmware/govmomi/releases Depending on the platform, decompress: gzip -d govc_linux_amd64.gz Flag it as executable chmod +x govc